a private & selective ORIGINAL CHARACTER for DRAGON BALL, created, written, and loved by ana.all art was created by me unless stated otherwise.
psd is by somresources.


  • 18+ ONLY I cannot stress enough that I do not & do not want to write with minors. I will hardblock anyone without some kind of age indicator on their account.

  • PRIVATE & SELECTIVE I only write with  mutuals , and I reserve the right to break mutuals at my own comfort. Please don't take it personally if I don't follow you back. Mutuals may also ask for my discord to talk OOC, but I also reserve the right to add & remove people how I see fit.

  • MULTIVERSE & MULTISHIP All threads and ships are happening in their own universes unless stated otherwise. There is no solid continuity on my account. Think of Kaki as an NPC to play off of your muse.

  • CROSSOVER FRIENDLY I love crossovers, and am willing to write with muses from franchises I'm not familiar with. As long as there's potential and willingness to plot a bit beforehand, I'm down!!

  • PROHIBITED CONTENT I will not tolerate the following content under any circumstances ––
    rape/noncon/dubcon, incest (blood & adopted), pedophilia/predatory age gaps, romanticized abuse, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia & racism.  I will also hardblock you if you either write, excuse, or even remain neutral on these subjects. 

  • MATURE THEMES PRESENT Fandom typical violence & the occasional discussion/description of mental illness (namely alcohol addiction, self harm & attempted suicide) and abuse that is integral to my OC will be prevalent here. If this bothers you, please do not follow or interact with me for your own comfort & safety. Smut/Lewd is earned & strictly written in circles or DMs.

  • FORMATTING I avoid using text symbols/fancy text and I ask that you do the same for me. I prefer both banter and long form interactions to be done through QRTs, but I will happily accommodate if needed.

extended regulations

  • ON CERTAIN CHARACTERS I do not interact with genderbend or futa accounts. They are transphobic, period, end of sentence. Arguing with me about it will result in me blocking you. Google is free. I also don't roleplay with Master Roshi, Oolong, or characters that are obviously caricatures (such as Mr. Popo or Puri Puri Prisoner). This list is non-exhaustive. Argue with me about it and I will block you.

  • ON IC BIGOTRY I don't like writing misogyny/homophobia/transphobia in fiction. If you shame Kaki for her gender and sexuality, or write anything of the sort in general, I will block you. I've also had a long and bad history of people misgendering her, body-shaming her, & making fun of her for her physical disability. Again, if you do these things, I will block you. Yes, even if it's your muse saying it. If you want to tease her, go for something else––and make sure you think really long and hard about why your muse has to do it.
    Generally, most things are fine by me, but if you aren't sure about something, please check with me first.

  • ON FICTIONAL RACISM With racism & genocide being a prevalent topic in DB/Z, I try to deal with it as sensitively and respectfully as possible, both IC & OOC. Please try to do the same, unless you are writing a character where it is IC for them to be bigoted (i.e. Freeza & his direct underlings). I also don't appreciate it when saiyan characters are referred to as ‘monkeys,’ ‘beasts,’ ‘savage,’ ‘half-breeds,’ etc., in narration & OOC chatting. It just sounds too much like IRL racist rhetoric. I would ask that you refrain from doing it around me, especially if it’s being said as a joke.

ABOUT THE WRITER Hi! I'm Ana, I'm 23 years old & my pronouns are she/they. I'm an artist & writer by trade, but I have a whole plethora of hobbies on the side that I dabble in for fun. I've had Kaki for almost 10 years now and have been writing her for just as long. She predates both Xenoverse and Super––that's how old she is! Anyway, that's all I have to say about myself. Let's have fun writing!

brench headcanons

I feel the need to reiterate that these are headcanons
that I made for myself to better inform how I write Kaki.
If you write a brench character & want to use them,
all I want is for you to ask beforehand & provide credit after.

  • CELESTIAL BODIES Planet Brench, later known as Cooler No. 98 after its invasion and colonization, orbits two stars that were once called Vinai and Balsa, and a moon once called Nipa. The two stars were later renamed Freeza and Cold, and the moon was renamed Chilled, in honor of Cooler's family & ancestor.

  • ENVIRONMENT & FAUNA Planet Brench's gravity is 10x that of Earth's, and its climate conditions are comparable to the Jurassic, Triassic, and Cretaceous periods, where high oxygen levels caused non-humanoid organisms to grow to gargantuan sizes on average. This in turn lead to high CO2 levels which also lead to an abundance of plant life and a warmer climate.
             To give visual comparison, trees average at 600 feet as a minimum, and domesticated cattle brench beetles are the size of large motor vehicles. Brench-occupied areas are tropical with heavy rain seasons.

  • BRENCH BIOLOGY Mammalian organisms on Brench can reach sizes almost considered eldritch, but not the brench, as they are thought to be descended from a species of miniscule primates. Since their ancient ancestors were more often prey than predator, it was an evolutionary advantage for them to remain small and hard to catch, leaving brench to be a bit shorter on average than humans.
             Brench retain a mostly herbivorous diet (with longer intestines and smaller stomachs as well), making them unable to process dairy or meat. Their main source of protein comes from bugs and insects, both from land and sea. They also retained herbivorous 'grazing' behaviors, which manifest in the present day as snacking. They tend to eat smaller meals because of this.

  • COMMON CULTURE One prominent animal on Planet Brench is the arachnid, known for its silk (that comes in a variety of colors depending on the species) and high intelligence. The silk is best known for being of lighter color and stronger-than-steel yet flexible and breathable. The brench have long since cared for and raised arachnids for their silk, but it's also just as common to raise them for companionship & other tasks too, such as fishing in the coastal and island regions. Since taking control of the planet, the Planetary Trade Organization has since bred new species of arachnid that produce silks of darker color (such as black, royal blue, & purple) in order to manufacture the bodysuits worn underneath battle armor.
              Stereotypical brench cuisine is known for being flavorful and spicy, especially when it comes to seasoning bug and insect meats. In more traditional variants, herbal spices are switched for insect venom to increase spiciness, which has rendered the brench resistant to some natural toxins. This is usually not recommended for foreigners to consume.

  • OFF-PLANET DIASPORA Not long after conquering Planet Brench, Cooler's army also claimed a second uninhabitable planet within the same solar system and named it Cooler No. 99. After implanting an artificial atmosphere, many brench were forcibly taken from their homeland to settle this planet, creating a diaspora that exists outside of Planet Brench. Canonically, this is where Jeice is from.


  NAME.  kaki / カキ
  PUN.  from「牡蠣」(oyster) & 「柿」(persimmon),
both pronounced as「かき」(kaki)
  BIRTH DATE.  age 730
  BIRTHPLACE.  cooler no. 98 / planet brench
  SPECIES.  mutant brench
  GENDER.  cisgender woman (she/her)
  ORIENTATION.  bisexual
  VOICE CLAIM.  english / japanese


When asked on how to deal with regret:
"...I could not really tell you. You just try to do better, I suppose. The trying is the important part."


  ALIGNMENT.  lawful neutral neutral good
  TEMPERMENT.  melancholic
  POSITIVES.  diligent, stoic, loyal, fair
  NEGATIVES.  intimidating, insecure,
paranoid, impersonal
dyscalculia, alcohol
addiction, self harm


  HEIGHT.  4'11 / 150 cm
  WEIGHT.  122 lbs / 55 kg
  HAIR & EYES.  silver
  SKIN.  pink / magenta
  KI COLOR.  crimson
  OTHER.  muscular, curly hair, distinguished
nose, blind & scarred right eye.
scar map.


KI MANIPULATION.The ability to manipulate the flow of metaphysical energy that is present in the physical body. With the ability to manipulate ki, or energy, the user can gain superhuman capabilities, and even use their ki to their advantage in combat (i.e. flight, ki blasts, shields, shockwaves). Kaki can concentrate and manipulate her ki at an elite level, allowing her to work dagger and whip techniques into her fighting style.
Because of the passive effects of ki, Kaki possesses enough strength to lift vehicles with little effort, as well as topple buildings and shatter mountains with enough force. She can also travel at untold speeds if she so chooses, either by land or flight. Human weaponry, such as firearms, cannot affect her while she is on guard.
  STORM SURGE.  The classified codename of a mutation Kaki was born with, given by the Freeza Force. This mutation bolsters her energy and gives her the advantage of naturally heightened reflexes, making her unusually strong and predisposed to the art of combat. It also gives her ki a strange crimson color.
 STORM SURGE   PULSE. A ki manipulation technique that increases Kaki’s power by twenty times her base strength, heavily derived from the capabilities that comes with the Storm Surge mutation. It is extremely taxing to her stamina however, so it is used sparingly if at all.
  STORM SURGE   MAELSTROM.  The evolved & mastered form of Storm Surge Pulse which can be used for prolonged periods of time, at the cost of stamina. The power multiplier goes beyond twenty times, and can reach untold heights depending on the battle. Inside her body, Kaki's ki becomes so concentrated that it begins to glow as it would if brought outside, illuminating areas of high blood-flow such as the heart, face, eyes, and arteries.
  OZONE LASHER. The name of the ki whip Kaki manifests in battle. It is made of pure, burning energy, so it cannot grab or hold onto things. It’s often used to keep her opponents at a distance while also dealing damage. While it’s typically wielded in only one hand, it is possible for her to use both.
  SQUALL STRIKE. An unarmed combat technique where Kaki targets an opponent's pressure points. Imprecise blows cause severe pain, where strikes that land correctly may result in paralysis.
  VORTEX BLAST. Kaki’s most powerful ki blast attack, named for its swirling “vortex” shape. Two separate blasts are manifested in each hand, and then brought together and twisted to make a single, more powerful blast.
  SUPERCELL SLASH.  Ki is channeled to the fists and manifested in the form of dual daggers. With one or both of the blades, Kaki slashes into the air to launch a deadly projectile that explodes on impact.
 JET STREAM. Kaki cloaks herself in a ki-shield and rushes her opponent several times over at an untold speed, slamming into them with incredible force.


descriptions of colonialist, fascist, & war-related violence,
death, child abuse, self-harm, addiction & attempted suicide


Before the Ages of recorded history
                    three young gods fell from the heavens to a planet called Brench:
                    their names were Balsa, Nipa, and Vinai.
          There they were taken into the arms of a being known as the Mother, one of the original arachnids, and raised alongside her biological children as if they were her own. Despite the support of their loving family, the triplets still felt unfulfilled and unlike their siblings, as if something was missing from their lives. When they reached adulthood they confided in their Mother of these feelings and concluded that it must be because they were the only people of their kind. With sympathy, the Mother spun an effigy in their likenesses and blessed it with mortality—the first brench—and called upon her numerous children to create more.          While all brench spun from their family’s webs held special places in the triplets’ hearts, the most beloved would be the first their Mother spun for them. When it came time for the first brench to pass, the godly triplets blessed their soul with their own powers so that they would always return to their birthplace after reincarnation.          Throughout known history, the individual associated with having a special connection to the triplets has been known as the Oracle and was considered the bridge between mortal and the divine, sometimes even revered as a fourth god alongside the original three. Though there have been many fakes, the true Oracle possesses the strengthof Balsa, the intellect of Vinai, and the fortitude of Nipa.                    Or so the old legend stated.          The last identified Oracle was killed during Cooler’s conquest of Planet Brench, fighting against their foreign invaders alongside their siblings, who were mortally wounded and forced into exile in Otherworld. In the centuries that followed Trade occupation, there has been no individual fitting the criteria of the previous Oracle, and it has long been thought that their godly lineage ended at Cooler’s hand all those centuries ago…                    Until now.


Age 730
          In a fishing village on the southern coastlands of the Balsa continent, a little girl was born.
                    Her name is Kaki.
Conceived in the midst of a plague called the Grey Fog, her father had been infected and passed just before she was born, leaving her to be raised primarily by her mother, Yuzu, alongside her older brother, Tako. Like all brench children, Kaki attended the Planetary Trade Academy as soon as she could write her own name.          In terms of academics, Kaki lagged behind the standards imposed by her teachers and the averages her peers set. She was adequate in linguistics and struggled especially in anything to do with mathematics. The one thing she was decent at were athletics, but even then she held little control over her strength and lacked the grace to be considered exemplary. Most of all she was overshadowed by her brother, who was considered a prodigy that rivaled his classmate Sauza. As a result she was socially ostracized and met with corporal punishment at the academy, as well as at home from her mother for her continual failures. Her only real respite came from her extended family who ultimately kept their relationship with her family surface-level, and Tako, who came to her defense time and time again. Kaki envied him but loved him all the same.Age 740
          There was a resurgence of the Grey Fog.
Tako contracted the disease during the academic year, became bed-ridden not long after, and had passed just after the academy let out for rain season holiday. Due to a conscription law, Tako had been selected to be filtered and deployed as a soldier into one of the Planetary Trade Organization's armies.          Since Tako could no longer fulfill active duty, the responsibility soon fell on Kaki to keep a full quota.Age 741
          At eleven years old, Kaki was sent to Planet Freeza No. 79 to become a soldier in the Freeza Force.
                    It became clear she was an easy target for other new conscripts.
Out of all the new recruits, she was the youngest, smallest, and—most of all—meekest. She did her best to remain strong against their torment, carrying out her duties as an errand girl as best she could.Age 743
When she finally came of age, the task list was taken and replaced with a gun that was too big to hold. She was deployed as a foot soldier to one mission only. She will never like to talk about the experience.
          Not long after returning to headquarters, a yellow headscarf given to Kaki by Tako was stolen by another younger soldier and his friends. They taunt her with it until it's accidentally ripped apart, as it had become worn from extensive use.                    On that fateful day, Kaki was pushed over the edge for the first time. Blinded by rage built from suppressed grief, Kaki retrieved her blaster and took aim at her tormentors.          It's considered a miracle that Kaki didn't lose her hand in the ensuing blaster malfunction, if one could call it that. While she healed in a medical machine, Kaki was overseen by a Freeza Medical Corps doctor named Manza, who discovered that the blaster had in fact not malfunctioned, but instead had been overwhelmed by an intense energy surge being inputted into it. Once Kaki was reawakened from her coma, more tests were run. That was how Manza discovered that Kaki possessed a mutation that increased her strength exponentially, similar to one that had been previously discovered in another brench soldier named Jeice, but brought her closer in brute strength to another saiyan mutant named Broly.          It was an unprecedented discovery, but Manza could not help but to feel intense empathy for a child who was clearly suffering. With the respect of her colleagues shielding her, Manza took it upon herself to protect the girl. The doctor wiped all documentation on Kaki logged into the Medical Corps' databases. Kaki's energy was also masked from energy detection systems as an extra precaution, thus rendering her hidden from Freeza and anyone else who would aim to take advantage of her strength.          Finally Kaki was transferred from the infantry forces to work in the medical division. While she didn't have much choice in that either, it was a welcome change.Age 749
Serving in Freeza's Medical Corps, Kaki became specialized in search and rescue, using her immense strength to recover soldiers and innocents alike. She could easily accomplish what a team of twenty or more were barely capable of. While deployed with a team on a particularly long expedition, she caught the interest of a combatant named Samara, who relayed to her early on how surprising it was that Kaki wasn't a fighter.
          After Kaki explained that she wasn't really interested in serving in the infantry, Samara then suggested that Kaki didn't have to serve in the infantry just to be a fighter. That would open a whole other world of opportunity in Kaki's mind. She was suddenly very interested in combat, and got started by learning Samara's own techniques. This would be the first time she really began to understand just what she was capable of, as she displayed a high aptitude for quickly acquiring and mastering combat techniques.          While discovering herself as a warrior, Kaki vowed to never misuse her own strength.
                    She only ever wanted to help people.
          At the same time, she became entangled with Samara.          Samara would later reveal to Kaki that she was a Rebel working to usurp Freeza, and promptly offered her a place within the Rebellion. Kaki felt betrayed. Even when Samara assured her that her doubts were wrong, Kaki couldn't see past the fact that Samara initially established a relationship in hopes of recruiting her for her natural strength. Kaki ultimately refused the invitation, but promised to never breathe a word of what Samara was really up to. She cut all contact from her after that.          A couple of weeks later, Kaki got a message from Samara. Still sore from their break-up, she didn't listen to it and deleted it. A month after she last saw Samara, Kaki would learn about her death at the hands of a higher officer named Colonel Salak, in a botched attempt to assassinate him and his underlings. The guilt and regret overwhelmed Kaki, who quickly spiraled into alcoholism in an attempt to cope.                    Then one morning, she swore to finish what Samara started.Age 750
In the following months, Kaki traded for intelligence on Salak, and learned that he was the head of a deep and dark gambling culture within Freeza’s army. As Salak was always looking for new men, Kaki posed as a prospective new recruit and sought Salak out for a meeting. In what was nothing but cold and calculated vengeance, she murdered Salak and his men, supposedly losing her eye in the battle.
                    It was a suicide mission. If she didn't die trying, then she would be arrested and executed.
                    That was the plan, anyway.
          Indeed, Kaki was arrested for mass murder and detained. However, during investigation, she caught the eye of Freeza's right hand, General Zarbon. He had implanted spies within Salak’s inner circle to inevitably expose his business dealings, some of which had been killed when Kaki exacted her revenge. With the information presented to him by investigators, he was unsure of how a small, demure-looking brench girl from the Medical Corps could have possibly taken out several seasoned warriors, which included his own men.          That was until footage from hidden cameras was recovered. Kaki’s immense power was finally revealed.          At the same time, Zarbon had begun to piece some things together. He was an academic at heart, focusing on history as a way to become familiar with the numerous charges under Freeza's control, and began to recall an old legend from Planet Brench about an individual called the Oracle. Zarbon was certainly not a superstitious man, but the more he thought about it, the more he stewed in the criteria listed in the old legend... The more he began to see something. And ultimately, he would finally realize.          A being of incomprehensible potential had just fallen into Freeza's lap.          Seeing her as an opportunity to further his own political career, Zarbon met with her during interrogation and blackmailed her into working under him as his protégé, dangling the lives of Manza and other loved ones over her head, while at the same time convincing Freeza that his team of elites would benefit from her membership.                    Left with no other choice, Kaki conceded to Zarbon's demands.Ages 751-752
These were the grueling early years under Zarbon's employ. She became his secretary, where her duties entailed scheduling, taking calls, and reading, translating, and writing correspondences on his behalf.
          At the same time, Zarbon entered her under a strict training regiment that took up the rest of the day and often carried into the night. This is where her more notable techniques, such as Storm Surge Pulse, began to be further developed. She became subject to invasive physical testing, which happened sporadically but often during this time.                    Additionally, she had been offered advanced cybernetic prosthetics to be implanted.          For her, it was an opportunity to see out of her blinded eye again. While she was strongly tempted she ultimately refused. She still held hope for escape during these years, and felt that the proprietary technology of the PTO would render her too dependent on their medical care to be able to leave. Instead she opted to participate in trials for advanced neurological regenerative procedures, which would not only heal the tissue of her damaged eye, but make an attempt to restore her vision. Unfortunately this would entail an arduous process of continuous medical appointments and constant maintenance of her eye wound for the next few years. She wore an eyepatch to conceal it.Ages 753-755
Kaki’s eye finally fully healed, but her vision was never fully regained. She can only sense light through it now.
          Her resilience began to wane, and the years began to blur.          The amount of stress that came with keeping Zarbon pleased took its toll. At first she was brave enough to stand up to him on little disagreements, but she soon learned of his ideal method of punishment: surveillance. The paranoia would push her further into isolation, where she would continue to seek comfort from the bottle.          Wanting some kind of control over her life, she began to engage in self harm.
                    That would be a mistake, she’d later find.
          The wounds and her alcoholic behavior was quickly discovered and led her to be sent to the Medical Corps’ mental ward for treatment. That first experience was uncomfortable, if anything. She was quickly discharged after making promises to not continue her self-destructive behavior and sent back to work, where she would learn to take more care in keeping her self harm hidden.          Then she would attempt suicide with an overdose on medicine. It was easy to do when under the influence of alcohol. She awoke back in the Medical Corps wing, that time in a hospital bed. She re-encountered Manza, who took it upon herself to look after Kaki until she was discharged to the mental ward.          When they were alone Kaki begged her for help, any kind that could be afforded, because working for Zarbon was too much. Manza could give none and suggested that Kaki should escape on her own. Knowing what Zarbon would do if she were to try anything like that, Kaki didn’t plead any further and resigned herself.          After a brief stay in the mental ward, Kaki was discharged and given orders by Zarbon to go back home for some time off. Kaki returned to her coastal home on Planet Brench and was given the treatment of a prodigal daughter by her mother, who chastised her for being so thoughtless to try what she did.                    Kaki would attempt two more times. Her mother’s grace dwindled after every one.Ages 756-757
                    Kaki finally learned to stop trying.
          Her life working for Zarbon became monotonous, which was the most peace she found in it.          There were times where she was emboldened enough to defy him, but only ever behind his back.
          She'd learned how to keep her secrets well enough by then.
                    She doesn't remember much here because it's all the same.Age 758-760
Finally, there was a development in Kaki's military career. On top of her duties as a secretary to General Zarbon, Kaki would finally begin to embark on diplomatic missions on his behalf.
          She proved to be a shrewd negotiator, with her stony expression and piercing gaze. A number of territories soon fell under Freeza's control from the force of her words alone.          Every time she made the journey back, she knew she was more of a monster than when she had left.Age 761
At the turning of the Age, Kaki was called for an audience before Freeza and given a task as reward for her unwavering loyalty and service.
          She was commanded to travel to Planet Shrum and annihilate the Rebel forces that recently stationed there after a team of doctors defected from Freeza's army and allied with the peoples resisting Trade rule. Leading the Rebel doctors was none other than Manza, Kaki's former mentor.                    Horrified, Kaki reluctantly accepted the mission. She did not dare to defy Freeza in his face.          This was a turning point. Kaki knew that if she went through with the assignment, she'd ultimately cross to the point of no return. Blood was already on her hands, but this would make it all more material. Unsure of who else to confide in, Kaki called her mother and shared her concerns.          Yuzu was blunt with her daughter. If Kaki disobeyed orders, she would not only throw away everything she had worked toward in Freeza's army, but she would also tarnish her family's name. There were people who would kill to be in the position Kaki was in—to be anything but proud of where she sat in rank was nothing short of ungrateful, especially to Zarbon.          As her mother chastised her, Kaki finally saw her mother for who she truly was.
          Finally she realized that she was truly, utterly alone.
                    There was only one decision to make.          As she set out to Planet Shrum, she ultimately decided to do what she should have done years ago.
          No longer would she be taking orders from Freeza or anyone else from the PTO.
          Upon arrival at Shrum, Kaki reunited with Manza and warned her and the other rebels of Freeza's plot to exterminate the Rebel forces and their allies. When word was received of Kaki's desertion and her refusal to complete her mission, forces were sent out to Shrum with the same objective. But a second team was sent to Shrum, with the goal of eliminating Kaki for her defiance and the threat she posed to Freeza and the Planetary Trade Organization at large: the Ginyu Force.          In the ensuing battle, the rebels pushed Freeza's forces back and retake the planet's independence.          Kaki was able to fend off the Ginyu Force and escape with her life intact. In the aftermath, she would ally herself with the Rebellion—if only unofficially—and took it upon herself to do whatever dirty work was required to advance the Rebellion's goals.          With a sizable bounty on her head, Kaki boarded a repurposed PTO ship and disappeared into the cosmos, beginning the lonesome life of a vigilante working from the shadows for a common good.


Age 761
During her battle against the Ginyu Force, Kaki was separated from her allies in the chaos.
          After a lengthy clash with Jeice, Kaki found herself confronted with a stranger who claimed that if she continued any further, she would not live to see the next day. Something about the way this stranger pleaded with her made her stop, listen, and internalize what he told her.                    Even if she wanted to fight for what was right... Her one, true desire was to live on her own terms.          So she took a chance. Suddenly, the universe unfurled before her.Age 852
Everything she believed was suddenly turned upside down when she was brought to Conton City, home of the Time Patrol. She would later learn that the young man who brought her there was a saiyan-human hybrid named Trunks Briefs, the Time Patrol's leading member.
          She's quickly settled despite her bewilderment and employed as a mentor for the many Time Patrollers that populate the city. Due to the high skill ceiling her techniques require, only highly experienced combatants are permitted to enter under her tutelage. Kaki also insisted on keeping her training strictly communal with added lectures to impart skills for better independent thinking on her students.          She's considered one of Conton's most anomalous but highly successful mentors.

relations (WIP)



  SPECIES.  kabochan
  GENDER.  cisgender woman (she/her)
  ORIENTATION.  bisexual
  OCCUPATION.  rebel medical leader
  STATUS.  alive

          A highly distinguished doctor from Planet Kabocha. In the early days of her career, she served as an assistant to another medic named Malaka.
          Manza first met Kaki when she was assigned to a little girl who had been admitted for a serious injury following a blaster malfunction. After discovering the underlying cause of Kaki's admittance, Manza took Kaki under her wing and encouraged her to join the Medical Corps, believing she could hide Kaki from the eyes of Freeza while also allowing her to put her immense strength to good use. And right she was, because Kaki would go on to help the Medical Corps save countless lives.
          When Kaki met Samara, Manza felt a shift in their relationship. Almost in the blink of an eye, Kaki was arrested for the murder of a higher officer and several others. And then... Kaki was released and suddenly entered under Zarbon's employ. With the whisperings of Kaki acting on a hidden agenda in order to rise through the ranks, despite how much Manza wanted to believe it wasn't true... She couldn't.
          Even when Kaki cried and begged for help years later after a suicide attempt, Manza still couldn't understand. For all she knew, Kaki was the one that got herself into that mess. For that, she should get herself out of it. Manza wouldn't admit it to herself, but she saw Kaki as a disgrace.
          Several years later, even after their reunion on Planet Shrum when Kaki finally escaped, their relationship remains strained. Manza, while knowing very little of what actually happened to Kaki, feels intense guilt for not helping the woman she considers a daughter. As civil as she remains to Manza, Kaki harbors repressed resentment for her former mentor.


  SPECIES.  tuffle
  GENDER.  transgender man (he/him)
  ORIENTATION.  bisexual
  ORIENTATION.  rebel engineer & weapons smuggler
  STATUS.  alive

          A tuffle born on Planet Vegeta, he and his parents fell under Freeza's employ after the destruction of their home planet. Growing up he displayed an astounding aptitude for engineering—if only hampered by his inattentive and hyperactive tendencies—and was quickly considered a genius of unparalleled intellect once he reached adulthood.
          Even so, the nature of Planet Vegeta's destruction was Freeza's worst-kept secret. While Loquat remained as one of the Freeza Force's most notable engineers, his loyalty was only surface-level. When Freeza embarked on a journey to Planet Namek and mysteriously disappeared alongside King Cold, Loquat was one of the many to take the opportunity to jump ship from the Planetary Trade Organization. Eventually he would run into the arms of the Rebel cause, supplying them with stolen schematics and his endless expertise in exchange for some wiggle room to experiment.
          Presently he runs a spare parts garage—a front for a branch of the Rebels' weapon smuggling operation—in an alleyway on a planet called Tatinarte. He works closely with Kaki, who he formed a sort of kinship with considering their adjacent backgrounds in the Freeza Force. Since Kaki lives off the grid and holds no official ties to the Rebellion, Loquat safeguards her earnings and also provides repair services for her ship free of charge, just out of the goodness of his heart.


  SPECIES.  brench
  GENDER.  agender (they/them)
  ORIENTATION.  bisexual
  OCCUPATION.  leading rebel negotiator & organizer
  STATUS.  alive

A brench born from the off-planet diaspora of Cooler No. 99. Despite a turbulent upbringing, Coulis studied as a historian, where the truth behind the displacement of the off-planet brench diaspora planted the seeds of their eventual defiance against the Planetary Trade Organization.
          After the disappearance of Freeza and King Cold, Coulis would rise to be a titular member of the Rebellion despite barely being an adult, claiming independence for their home planet where so many brench were forcibly displaced by Cooler's forces.
          As of now Coulis act as one of the leading negotiator and organizer in the Rebellion, where he has a close professional relationship with Kaki. With Coulis as her direct superior, Kaki receives all of her assignments from and reports back to them.


  SPECIES.  zarbon's race
  GENDER.  cisgender woman (she/her)
  ORIENTATION.  lesbian
  OCCUPATION.  combat operative, undercover rebel agent
  STATUS.  deceased

          Descended from warriors employed by the royal family, Samara's family, like many others, was forcibly conscripted into the Freeza Force when Zarbon betrayed his planet and brethren to the emperor in exchange for power. Her parents from then on pursued a vendetta against Zarbon and Freeza by extension, which was passed onto her once she was born.
          Even after she was deployed to serve Commander Salak in Freeza's army, she continued her family's work, actively conspiring against the government and recruiting new members for the underground Rebel effort. She saw great promise in Kaki, a member of the Search & Rescue division in the army's Medical Corps, and befriended her in hopes of recruiting her.
          After they became entangled, Samara finally revealed her initial intentions and invited Kaki to become involved in a future plot to assassinate Commander Salak. Feeling betrayed, Kaki promised to never breath a word of what Samara was up to but cut all contact from her.
          A month later, Samara led the ambush on Salak and his team. Things did not all go according to plan, and Salak's team overwhelmed the rebel attackers. Samara, alongside a few other members, was killed in the battle.


  SPECIES.  saiyan
  GENDER.  cisgender girl
  ORIENTATION.  questioning
  OCCUPATION.  time patroller
  STATUS.  alive

          A saiyan teenager from a small, impoverished village in the mountains of Planet Vegeta. Being the only individual capable of transforming into the Oozaru in the area, she was sought out by Freeza Force conscription agents and deployed.
          In the original timeline, she perished during her first mission not long before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Being recruited by the Time Patrol, however, she was able to avoid that cruel fate at least once and live to see her true potential, becoming one of Kaki's star pupils.


 URL.  — nature of relationship.
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